

Friday, April 13, 2012

Similarities, Difference, and Judgments

Please comment on this post and let me know how we are similar and how we are different. I would also love to hear your judgment of my work.



  1. Adelina Patti,

    I've become so interested in you and your life just by looking at your artifacts and reading your interview! I look forward to talking with you more and learning from you!

    We have many similarities. You and I are both passionate performers, which helped me feel connected with you. Unfortunately, we're similar by our failed marriages. I was emotionally connected to you because of what you went through. We'll have to talk more about those marriages. I was influenced by my acting family, as you were with your parents.

    As we have our similarities, we have our differences. I am focused and passionate about acting and playing roles in straight shows, while you're an opera singer (and a talented one, at that!)

    I admire you, Adelina. You're a strong woman who is passionate about her work. I feel you and I could get along extremely well. I encourage you to keep your positive attitude and continue what you're doing.

    Ellen Terry

  2. Adelina Patti,
    You are a very interesting, and unique person.
    The thing that is obviously different is that you are a vocal artist as I am a performing artists
    in the area of Theater I am also a playwright.

    The thing that makes us similar is that we are both performing artists and love performing in front of people. We are both passionate in our Arts.

    I like how you are a strong woman, who enjoys doing her work, we will become very good friends.

    John Brougham

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Adelina Patti how are you? I haven't suppose we've met? Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dede Edmond but you call me De. I am a musician, I play violin. And I see that you yourself are a musician! I like that. We both were born in the United States and your parents were musically inclined as well as mine were. They pushed there ways to you, like my father did for me. Maybe we could have a jam session. I believe we would have a grand time. I see you also married, I sadly didn't. We were inspired by someone who helped our carrier greatly. Some roadblocks stepped in our but way we stayed positive and we got through it because musicians are top notch. Your are quite amazing.

    Although we have very much in common. We have some differences. We both are involved in music but I play violin, you sing. But my mother wasn't involved in my carrier. But I see yours greatly helped you, that's great.|

    You are simply magnificent if I may say. If you ever want to take me up on that offer of a duet give me a holler, until then have a good night.

  5. Ms. Patti,

    My name is Harriet Beecher Stowe and I am a professional writer and published author. I read your blog and I find your work very interesting. We have many things in common. I couldn't help but notice that you started singing at the early age of seven. I also began my writing career at the age of seven. You stated that your family members served as mentors during you early years. I can relate to that because my family were also my mentors. I also read that in the time of your career, you were professionally singing during a time known to history as imperialism. My career was during that time also. I also read that you have strong feelings about not being able to perform with African Americans because of the time period. I, too, desired to be able to write and work with African Americans because I feel as if they are people just like everyone else, and they deserve everything we experienced. When I read that you sang for Abraham Lincoln, I was shocked. I had the opportunity to meet him. It was a great pleasure. I also read that you had hardships but you didn't let them interrupt your training and success. I also had hardships, moved on from them and continued my career.

    Although we have many things in common, I am different from in you many ways. Obviously, you are an opera singer and I am a writer. You are from Spain and I am from Connecticut. Another reason I am different from you is that both of your parents are opera singers. My mother passed when I was four and my father is a minister that speaks out against slavery. You also stated that you were the youngest child out of all your siblings. I was the seventh child out of eleven. Although we both met Abraham Lincoln, you sang for him and I just met with him. It was a great experience but when it happened we attended in different activities.

    I would just like to say that your work is inspiring. Your passion as an artist is extremely admirable. Overall, you are a great artist and performer.
    Harriet Beecher Stowe

  6. Hello Adelina!
    Reading your interview, I too learned quite a bit about you! First that we were both born in Europe and then moved to America. Except I did not move to America until I was much older. My family was also involved in the arts. As you know from reading my interview; my father and siblings were artists. I also almost developed my craft alone. Just me and the help from a few books! Im glad to hear that you are an opera singer, in our day your art was the only thing enjoyable to watch! Well that, and my performances. (: We're both pretty wealthy too. But I did not come from wealth as you did. And we both have traveled many places, we must chat about our experiences! And perhaps travel together. And you go girl! Critics were hard on me too. I also contemplated giving up, but apparently we both made the right choices. Girl, now I didnt have three husbands, but I did have one...and a half. And I learned that I had to crack down the whip on him! And well,he behaved.
    Well Adelina, I think you are an exceptional human being. Speaking about the unjust racial things in our time is a brave thing to do. I cannot wait to meet you, speak about our travels, performances, and well, the men.
    See you soon,

  7. I guess we are similar but also different we have similar passions. I appreciate your passion you've seemed to avoid feeling like your passion wasn't forced upon you in any way. I can't help but feel like if I was in your situation I would have felt pressure
    However i cannot sing I have
    Never been known for my singing. I've never really sung. Singing is one of my many preferred arts I love hearing it no matter when

  8. I love that you included recordings of her voice. So interesting what people sound like without all of the technology we have now. The castle she lived in was magnificent!
    Ms. Singh
