

Friday, April 6, 2012



      This is a portrait of me. I autographed this picture for James Davison, a music critic, in 1867. Later, it was published in the “Memoirs”. 
Tayeb , Monir, and Michel Austin. "Berlioz Photo Album:Friends and Acquaintances (5)." The Hector Berlioz Website. N.p., 2012. Web. 6 Apr
Rieff, Phillip. My Life Among The Deathworks:Illustrations of the Aesthetics of Authority . 1st. 1. Charlottesville City : University of Virginia Press, 2006. 288. Print.

                      This is the castle I owned in Powys, Wales named Craig-y-Nos. That is Italian for “the Rock of Night”. The castle included a 150 seat theatre. I spent my time in this castle when I wasn’t performing, and the theatre inside my castle made it possible for me to perform within the comforts of home. 
Guyton, Janice. Bexley Archaeological Group. Bexley Archaeological Group, 2012. Web. 6 Apr 2012. <>.  
(This picture is of the actual castle. It was uploaded directly to website. It is called the Craig-y-Nos. It is located in Powys, Wales.)

This is another portrait of me that I autographed. It was given as a souvenir at the concert I gave for Wilhelm Ganz’s benefit. This concert took place on June 1, 1911. This portrait was later published in Ganz’s “Memoirs”.
Tayeb , Monir, and Michel Austin. "Berlioz Photo Album:Friends and Acquaintances (5)." The Hector Berlioz Website. N.p., 2012. Web. 6 Apr
Ganz, A.W. Berlioz in London . London: Quality Press, 1950. 222. Print.

     This is a recording of me singing “Casta Diva” by Norma. I did not sing this piece on stage, I just had it professionally recorded. I studied the piece with Maurice Strakosch, my brother in law, and Guiditta Pasta was my accompanist. This piece has a special place in my heart because when I was a little girl, I would climb on to tables and silence my whole family by singing this piece. Ever since then I have been attached to this song. 
Casta diva- Adelina Patti, 1906. 1906. Web. 6 Apr 2012. <>. <
Bellini, Vincenzo, ed. Casta Diva. Ricordi, 1831. Print.
Scott, Michael. "The Complete Adelina Patti and Victor Maurel." Adelina Patti. 
      Michael Scott, 1998. Web. 6 Apr 2012.

                     This is the score of Bellini’s La Sonnambula. This is Italian for “The Sleepwalker”. The opera is considered a Melodrama and it has two acts. It is a light, romantic comedy about the misperceptions of the heroine’s sleepwalking. It is written to be in the Bel Canto style, and because of this, it is a very challenging score. It is based on a ballet by Eugene Scribe and the libretto was written by Felice Romani. I received the lead women role in this opera. I sang a recording of “Ah non credea mirarti” from the opera in 1906. It is one of my greatest recordings. 
Music Room. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Apr 2012. <>.
                Bellini, Vincenzo, and Felice Romani, ed. La Sonnambula. Print.

                   This is a portrait of me when I played Marguerite in Gounod’s opera, “Faust”. I am posing with Giovanni Mario, another opera singer who played the role of Faust. The performance of this opera occurred in the Covent Garden in 1864. It was a successful opera. 
"A Polar Bear's Tale." Blogger. Blogger, n.d. Web. 6 Apr 2012. <>.
Colin Ford. Julia Margaret Cameron:19th Century Photographer of Genius . N.d. Photograph. n.p.


                This is a recording of me singing La Serenata. I sang the part of Tosti. This was recorded in June of 1906 at my castle, Craig-y-Nos, in Wales. 
Soprano Adelina Patti ~ La Serenata (1906). 2009. Film. <>.
                La Serenata. 1906. Filmstrip.

                   This is a photograph of The Academy of Music in New York. It was built in 1854. I attended this academy when I was first starting out in my music career. I learned a lot of things there that helped me become a successful performer.  
The American Spirit in Art. 2004. Photograph. New York Historical Society, New York.

                     This is another recording I made in 1906. I am singing Ah! non credea mirarti from Bellini’s “La Sonnamula”. I was 63 years old when this was recorded. This is one of my most successful recordings.
Ah! non credea mirarti- Adelina Patti, 1906. 2007. Web. 6 Apr 2012. <>. 
Bellini, Vincenzo, and Felice Romani, ed. La Sonnambula. Print.

                     This is the cover page to the sheet music of “Home Sweet Home”. I sang this piece for President Lincoln and his wife at the White House in 1962. They were both moved my my performance. Consequently, I used the piece as an encore for many of my recitals. 
Bishop, H., & Payne, J. (1823). Home, sweet home. Retrieved from
Hufford, Bob. "Find A Grave." Adelina Patti. Find A Grave, Inc., 2003. Web. 6 Apr 2012. <>.

Work Cited
Tayeb , Monir, and Michel Austin. "Berlioz Photo Album:Friends and Acquaintances (5)." The Hector Berlioz Website. N.p., 2012. Web. 6 Apr
Rieff, Phillip. My Life Among The Deathworks:Illustrations of the Aesthetics of Authority . 1st. 1. Charlottesville City : University of Virginia Press, 2006. 288. Print.
Guyton, Janice. Bexley Archaeological Group. Bexley Archaeological Group, 2012. Web. 6 Apr 2012. <>.  
Tayeb , Monir, and Michel Austin. "Berlioz Photo Album:Friends and Acquaintances (5)." The Hector Berlioz Website. N.p., 2012. Web. 6 Apr
Ganz, A.W. Berlioz in London . London: Quality Press, 1950. 222. Print.
Casta diva- Adelina Patti, 1906. 1906. Web. 6 Apr 2012. <>. <
Bellini, Vincenzo, ed. Casta Diva. Ricordi, 1831. Print.
Scott, Michael. "The Complete Adelina Patti and Victor Maurel." Adelina Patti. Michael Scott, 1998. Web. 6 Apr 2012.
Music Room. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Apr 2012. <>.
Bellini, Vincenzo, and Felice Romani, ed. La Sonnambula. Print.
"A Polar Bear's Tale." Blogger. Blogger, n.d. Web. 6 Apr 2012. <>.
Colin Ford. Julia Margaret Cameron:19th Century Photographer of Genius . N.d. Photograph. n.p.
Soprano Adelina Patti ~ La Serenata (1906). 2009. Film. <>.
La Serenata. 1906. Filmstrip.


  1. Adelina,

    All of these paintings and recordings of you performing are so breath-taking! I especially enjoyed "Casta Diva." You have a true passion for your art, and I admire you for that!


  2. Tue to that ellen.

    A-D-E-L-I-N-A P-A-T-T-I

    Please be considerate. Honestly the weasel has to pop sometime, and well run back under the rock do the loopy-doo, take a nut and run back under, asunder. Peter piper has to pick a pickle or his family will be starved. Three mice have to be blind to find the clock.

    Point is, a woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a wood chuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

  3. Thank you Ellen!
    John, I am very confused by your comment. Care to elaborate?

  4. Okay: Humpty Dumpty sat on that tall wall. made a wrong move, in a flash there was a crash. everybody saw, Humpty Dumpty was dead to all. IF YOU STILL DON'T GET IT KEEP READING. There once was a butcher who cut his thump when it started to bleed the blood did come. Just like the ice cream man always stops for children, then what does he do? takes their orders then he gives them the ice cream they ordered, then hem puts on his music again and drives away, the children near by him hear the music ask there mommy and daddies for money and the same steps occur. When a child at dinner does slurp he is soon to burp, then his mother says ," EXCUSE YOUU!" then the animals say," WHOOO HOO!" but thats really just the owl because animals do not talk they do not even walk on a side walk. actually some do sorry for being incorrect, I have just been You are very annoying a dumb, dumb as a thumb. Off the butcher that it was cut so your a dead thumb and your skull is numb theres, nothing inside to keep it warm, its a hive for a swarm, they use it as a house and even a mouse has a bigger brain then you because all brains is brains and no brains is non. Now good bye I am done.

  5. John, you are a very random person..I am not sure I understand the purpose of that last comment..

  6. Everything gonna be alright. three little birdies. Honestly the hills are alive with the sound of music.

  7. With songs they have sung for a thousand years...

  8. True that! so uhh, lassie I had this wild impulse on the way over to ask you on a date.
