

Friday, April 13, 2012

Similarities, Difference, and Judgments

Please comment on this post and let me know how we are similar and how we are different. I would also love to hear your judgment of my work.


Friday, April 6, 2012



      This is a portrait of me. I autographed this picture for James Davison, a music critic, in 1867. Later, it was published in the “Memoirs”. 
Tayeb , Monir, and Michel Austin. "Berlioz Photo Album:Friends and Acquaintances (5)." The Hector Berlioz Website. N.p., 2012. Web. 6 Apr
Rieff, Phillip. My Life Among The Deathworks:Illustrations of the Aesthetics of Authority . 1st. 1. Charlottesville City : University of Virginia Press, 2006. 288. Print.

                      This is the castle I owned in Powys, Wales named Craig-y-Nos. That is Italian for “the Rock of Night”. The castle included a 150 seat theatre. I spent my time in this castle when I wasn’t performing, and the theatre inside my castle made it possible for me to perform within the comforts of home. 
Guyton, Janice. Bexley Archaeological Group. Bexley Archaeological Group, 2012. Web. 6 Apr 2012. <>.  
(This picture is of the actual castle. It was uploaded directly to website. It is called the Craig-y-Nos. It is located in Powys, Wales.)

This is another portrait of me that I autographed. It was given as a souvenir at the concert I gave for Wilhelm Ganz’s benefit. This concert took place on June 1, 1911. This portrait was later published in Ganz’s “Memoirs”.
Tayeb , Monir, and Michel Austin. "Berlioz Photo Album:Friends and Acquaintances (5)." The Hector Berlioz Website. N.p., 2012. Web. 6 Apr
Ganz, A.W. Berlioz in London . London: Quality Press, 1950. 222. Print.

     This is a recording of me singing “Casta Diva” by Norma. I did not sing this piece on stage, I just had it professionally recorded. I studied the piece with Maurice Strakosch, my brother in law, and Guiditta Pasta was my accompanist. This piece has a special place in my heart because when I was a little girl, I would climb on to tables and silence my whole family by singing this piece. Ever since then I have been attached to this song. 
Casta diva- Adelina Patti, 1906. 1906. Web. 6 Apr 2012. <>. <
Bellini, Vincenzo, ed. Casta Diva. Ricordi, 1831. Print.
Scott, Michael. "The Complete Adelina Patti and Victor Maurel." Adelina Patti. 
      Michael Scott, 1998. Web. 6 Apr 2012.

                     This is the score of Bellini’s La Sonnambula. This is Italian for “The Sleepwalker”. The opera is considered a Melodrama and it has two acts. It is a light, romantic comedy about the misperceptions of the heroine’s sleepwalking. It is written to be in the Bel Canto style, and because of this, it is a very challenging score. It is based on a ballet by Eugene Scribe and the libretto was written by Felice Romani. I received the lead women role in this opera. I sang a recording of “Ah non credea mirarti” from the opera in 1906. It is one of my greatest recordings. 
Music Room. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Apr 2012. <>.
                Bellini, Vincenzo, and Felice Romani, ed. La Sonnambula. Print.

                   This is a portrait of me when I played Marguerite in Gounod’s opera, “Faust”. I am posing with Giovanni Mario, another opera singer who played the role of Faust. The performance of this opera occurred in the Covent Garden in 1864. It was a successful opera. 
"A Polar Bear's Tale." Blogger. Blogger, n.d. Web. 6 Apr 2012. <>.
Colin Ford. Julia Margaret Cameron:19th Century Photographer of Genius . N.d. Photograph. n.p.


                This is a recording of me singing La Serenata. I sang the part of Tosti. This was recorded in June of 1906 at my castle, Craig-y-Nos, in Wales. 
Soprano Adelina Patti ~ La Serenata (1906). 2009. Film. <>.
                La Serenata. 1906. Filmstrip.

                   This is a photograph of The Academy of Music in New York. It was built in 1854. I attended this academy when I was first starting out in my music career. I learned a lot of things there that helped me become a successful performer.  
The American Spirit in Art. 2004. Photograph. New York Historical Society, New York.

                     This is another recording I made in 1906. I am singing Ah! non credea mirarti from Bellini’s “La Sonnamula”. I was 63 years old when this was recorded. This is one of my most successful recordings.
Ah! non credea mirarti- Adelina Patti, 1906. 2007. Web. 6 Apr 2012. <>. 
Bellini, Vincenzo, and Felice Romani, ed. La Sonnambula. Print.

                     This is the cover page to the sheet music of “Home Sweet Home”. I sang this piece for President Lincoln and his wife at the White House in 1962. They were both moved my my performance. Consequently, I used the piece as an encore for many of my recitals. 
Bishop, H., & Payne, J. (1823). Home, sweet home. Retrieved from
Hufford, Bob. "Find A Grave." Adelina Patti. Find A Grave, Inc., 2003. Web. 6 Apr 2012. <>.

Work Cited
Tayeb , Monir, and Michel Austin. "Berlioz Photo Album:Friends and Acquaintances (5)." The Hector Berlioz Website. N.p., 2012. Web. 6 Apr
Rieff, Phillip. My Life Among The Deathworks:Illustrations of the Aesthetics of Authority . 1st. 1. Charlottesville City : University of Virginia Press, 2006. 288. Print.
Guyton, Janice. Bexley Archaeological Group. Bexley Archaeological Group, 2012. Web. 6 Apr 2012. <>.  
Tayeb , Monir, and Michel Austin. "Berlioz Photo Album:Friends and Acquaintances (5)." The Hector Berlioz Website. N.p., 2012. Web. 6 Apr
Ganz, A.W. Berlioz in London . London: Quality Press, 1950. 222. Print.
Casta diva- Adelina Patti, 1906. 1906. Web. 6 Apr 2012. <>. <
Bellini, Vincenzo, ed. Casta Diva. Ricordi, 1831. Print.
Scott, Michael. "The Complete Adelina Patti and Victor Maurel." Adelina Patti. Michael Scott, 1998. Web. 6 Apr 2012.
Music Room. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Apr 2012. <>.
Bellini, Vincenzo, and Felice Romani, ed. La Sonnambula. Print.
"A Polar Bear's Tale." Blogger. Blogger, n.d. Web. 6 Apr 2012. <>.
Colin Ford. Julia Margaret Cameron:19th Century Photographer of Genius . N.d. Photograph. n.p.
Soprano Adelina Patti ~ La Serenata (1906). 2009. Film. <>.
La Serenata. 1906. Filmstrip.